Source code for

Functions and classes that are used commonly used by the storage classes.

.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <>

from __future__ import annotations

import codecs
import inspect
import pickle
from collections import defaultdict
from importlib import import_module
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Literal, Sequence, Union, overload

import numpy as np

    from .attributes import Attrs


Location = Union[None, str, Sequence["Location"]]

def encode_binary(obj: Any, *, binary: Literal[True]) -> bytes: ...

def encode_binary(obj: Any, *, binary: Literal[False]) -> str: ...

[docs]def encode_binary(obj: Any, *, binary: bool = False) -> str | bytes: """encodes an arbitrary object as a string The object can be decoded using :func:`decode_binary`. Args: obj: The object to encode binary (bool): Encode as a byte array if `True`. Otherwise, a unicode string is returned Returns: str or bytes: The encoded object """ obj_bin = pickle.dumps(obj) if binary: return obj_bin else: return codecs.encode(obj_bin, "base64").decode()
[docs]def decode_binary(obj_str: str | bytes | np.ndarray) -> Any: """decode an object encoded with :func:`encode_binary`. Args: obj_str (str or bytes): The string that encodes the object Returns: Any: the object """ if isinstance(obj_str, np.ndarray): if np.issubdtype(obj_str.dtype, np.uint8): obj_str = obj_str.tobytes() else: raise TypeError(f"Unexpected dtype `{obj_str.dtype}`") elif isinstance(obj_str, str): obj_str = codecs.decode(obj_str.encode(), "base64") return pickle.loads(obj_str)
[docs]def encode_class(cls: type) -> str: """encode a class such that it can be restored The class can be decoded using :func:`decode_class`. Args: cls (type): The class Returns: str: the encoded class """ if cls is None: return "None" return cls.__module__ + "." + cls.__qualname__
[docs]def decode_class(class_path: str | None, *, guess: type | None = None) -> type | None: """decode a class encoded with :func:`encode_class`. Args: class_path (str): The string that encodes the class guess (type): A class that is used if the encoded class cannot be found and the name of the guess matches the encoded class. Returns: type: the class or `None` if class_path was None """ if class_path is None or class_path == "None": return None # import class from a package try: module_path, class_name = class_path.rsplit(".", 1) except (AttributeError, ValueError): raise ImportError(f"Cannot import class {class_path}") try: module = import_module(module_path) except ModuleNotFoundError: # see whether the class is already defined ... if guess is not None and guess.__name__ == class_name: # ... as the `guess` return guess elif class_name in globals(): # ... in the global context return globals()[class_name] # type: ignore else: raise ModuleNotFoundError(f"Cannot load `{class_path}`") else: # load the class from the module try: return getattr(module, class_name) # type: ignore except AttributeError: raise ImportError(f"Module {module_path} does not define {class_name}")
[docs]class Array(np.ndarray): """Numpy array augmented with attributes""" def __new__(cls, input_array, attrs: Attrs | None = None): obj = np.asarray(input_array).view(cls) obj.attrs = {} if attrs is None else attrs return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if obj is None: # __new__ handles instantiation return self.attrs = getattr(obj, "attrs", {})
ActionType = Literal[ "read_item", # read an item from storage "write_item", # write an item to storage ] class _StorageRegistry: """registry that stores information about how to use storage""" allowed_actions = set(ActionType.__args__) # type: ignore """set: all actions that can be registered""" _hooks: dict[type, dict[str, Callable]] """dict: register for all defined hooks""" def __init__(self): self._hooks = defaultdict(dict) def register(self, action: ActionType, cls: type, method_or_func: Callable) -> None: """register an action for the given class Example: The method is used like so .. code-block:: python storage_actions.register("read_item", MyObj, MyObj.read_object) Args: action (str): The action provided by the method or function cls (type): The class this action is associated with method_or_func (callable): The function/method that is called for the action """ if action not in self.allowed_actions: raise ValueError(f"Unknown action `{action}` ") if isinstance(method_or_func, classmethod): # extract class from decorated object def _call_classmethod(*args, **kwargs): """helper function to call the classmethod""" return method_or_func(cls, *args, **kwargs) self._hooks[cls][action] = _call_classmethod elif callable(method_or_func): self._hooks[cls][action] = method_or_func else: raise TypeError("`method_or_func` must be method or function") def get(self, cls: type, action: ActionType) -> Callable: """obtain an action for a given class Args: action (str): The action provided by the method or function cls (type): The class this action is associated with Returns: callable: The function/method that is called for the action """ # look for defined operators on all parent classes (except `object`) classes = inspect.getmro(cls)[:-1] for c in classes: if c in self._hooks and action in self._hooks[c]: return self._hooks[c][action] raise RuntimeError(f"No action `{action}` for `{cls.__name__}`") storage_actions = _StorageRegistry()