User Manual

Main structure of the package

The package offers several different components that can be used separately or together:

Hierarchical input/output using storage:

The module provides an abstract interface for writing and reading data using an hierarchical organization. Storages are conveniently created by open_storage(), which returns a storage object that offers a dict-like interface.

Defining parameters using parameters:

The module provides the Parameter class, describing a single parameter. This can be used together with the mixin Parameterized, which allows to equip classes with default parameters and some convenience methods.

Defining models using model:

Models are augmented functions, which define input, calculations, and output. Models can be conveniently created by decorating a function or by subclassing ModelBase, which is built on the parameter classes.

Model results are captured by results:

Results are returned as the special Result, which keeps track of the input parameters and the data calculated by the model. ResultCollection describes a collections of the same model evoked with different parameter values.

Submitting models to HPC using run:

A single model can be submitted to a compute node using submit_job(), e.g., to run the computation on a high performance compute cluster. A parameter study using multiple jobs can be conveniently submitted using submit_jobs(). The results written to one directory can then be conveniently analyzed using from_folder().

Design philosophy

The main requirements for the storage classes were

  • Usability: The user should not need to think about how data is stored in different files

  • Flexibility: We want a general interface to write data in multiple file formats (YAML, HDF, zarr, …)

  • Stability: Future versions of the package should be able to read older files even when the internal definitions of file formats change

  • Modularity: Different parts of the package (like storage, parameters, and run) should be rather independent of each other, so they can be used in isolation

  • Extensibility: Models should be easy to subclass to implement more complicated requirements (e.g., additional parameters)

  • Self-explainability: The files should in principle contain all information to reconstruct the data, even if the py-modelrunner package is no longer available.

  • Efficiency: The files should only store necessary information.

The last point results in particular constraints if we want to store temporal simulation results. In most cases, there are are some data that are kept fixed for the simulation (describing physical parameters) and others that evolve with time. We denote by attributes the parameters that are kept fixed and by data the data that varies over time. The trajectory module deals with such data.