Source code for

Defines a class storing data in various storages

Requires the optional :mod:`zarr` module.

.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <> 

from __future__ import annotations

import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Collection, Sequence, Union

import numpy as np
import zarr
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, DTypeLike
from import Store

from ..access_modes import ModeType
from ..attributes import AttrsLike
from ..base import StorageBase

zarrElement = Union[zarr.Group, zarr.Array]

[docs]class ZarrStorage(StorageBase): """storage that stores data in an zarr file or database""" extensions = ["zarr", "zip", "sqldb", "lmdb"] def __init__(self, store_or_path: str | Path | Store, *, mode: ModeType = "read"): """ Args: store_or_path (str or :class:`~pathlib.Path` or :class:``): File path to the file/folder or a :mod:`zarr` Store mode (str or :class:``): The file mode with which the storage is accessed. Determines allowed operations. """ super().__init__(mode=mode) if isinstance(store_or_path, (str, Path)): # open zarr storage on file system self._close = True path = Path(store_or_path) if self.mode.file_mode == "x" and path.exists(): raise FileExistsError(f"File `{path}` already exists") if path.suffix in {"", ".zarr"}: # path seems to be a directory or a zarr direction => DirectoryStore if path.is_dir() and self.mode.file_mode == "w":"Delete directory `{path}`") shutil.rmtree(path) # remove the directory to reinstate it if self.mode.file_mode == "r":"DirectoryStore is always opened writable") self._store = zarr.DirectoryStore(path) elif path.suffix == ".zip": # create a ZipStore file_mode = self.mode.file_mode if path.exists(): if file_mode == "w":"Delete file `{path}`") path.unlink() self._store =, mode=file_mode) elif path.suffix == ".sqldb": # create a SQLiteStore if self.mode.file_mode == "w" and path.exists():"Delete file `{path}`") path.unlink() self._store = zarr.SQLiteStore(path) elif isinstance(store_or_path, Store): # use already opened zarr storage self._close = False self._store = store_or_path else: raise TypeError(f"Unknown store `{store_or_path}`") self._root =, overwrite=False) @property def can_update(self) -> bool: """bool: indicates whether the storage supports updating items""" return not isinstance(self._store, def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({}, mode="{}")'
[docs] def close(self) -> None: if self._close: self._store.close() self._root = None super().close()
def _get_parent(self, loc: Sequence[str]) -> tuple[zarr.Group, str]: """get the parent group for a particular location Args: loc (list of str): The location in the storage where the group will be created Returns: (group, str): A tuple consisting of the parent group and the name of the current item """ try: path, name = loc[:-1], loc[-1] except IndexError: raise KeyError(f"Location `/{'/'.join(loc)}` has no parent") parent = self._root for part in path: try: parent = parent[part] except KeyError: parent = parent.create_group(part, overwrite=False) return parent, name def __getitem__(self, loc: Sequence[str]) -> Any: if len(loc) == 0: return self._root else: parent, name = self._get_parent(loc) return parent[name]
[docs] def keys(self, loc: Sequence[str] | None = None) -> Collection[str]: if loc: return self[loc].keys() # type: ignore else: return self._root.keys() # type: ignore
[docs] def is_group(self, loc: Sequence[str], *, ignore_cls: bool = False) -> bool: return isinstance(self[loc], zarr.hierarchy.Group)
def _create_group(self, loc: Sequence[str]) -> None: parent, name = self._get_parent(loc) parent.create_group(name) def _read_attrs(self, loc: Sequence[str]) -> AttrsLike: return self[loc].attrs # type: ignore def _write_attr(self, loc: Sequence[str], name: str, value: str) -> None: self[loc].attrs[name] = value def _read_array( self, loc: Sequence[str], *, copy: bool, index: int | None = None ) -> np.ndarray: arr_like = self[loc] if not isinstance(arr_like, zarr.Array): raise RuntimeError( f"Found {arr_like.__class__} at location `/{'/'.join(loc)}`" ) is_recarray = arr_like.attrs.get("__recarray__", False) if index is not None: arr_like = arr_like[index] # convert it into the right type arr = np.array(arr_like, copy=copy) if is_recarray: arr = arr.view(np.recarray) return arr def _write_array(self, loc: Sequence[str], arr: np.ndarray) -> None: parent, name = self._get_parent(loc) if name in parent: # update an existing array assuming it has the same shape. The credentials # for this operation need to be checked by the caller! parent[name][...] = arr else: # create a new array element if arr.dtype == object: el = parent.array(name, arr, object_codec=self.codec, overwrite=True) else: el = parent.array(name, arr, overwrite=True) if isinstance(arr, np.recarray): el.attrs["__recarray__"] = True def _create_dynamic_array( self, loc: Sequence[str], shape: tuple[int, ...], dtype: DTypeLike, record_array: bool = False, ) -> None: parent, name = self._get_parent(loc) try: if dtype == object: element = parent.zeros( name, shape=(0,) + shape, chunks=(1,) + shape, dtype=dtype, object_codec=self.codec, overwrite=True, ) else: element = parent.zeros( name, shape=(0,) + shape, chunks=(1,) + shape, dtype=dtype ) except zarr.errors.ContainsArrayError: raise RuntimeError(f"Array `/{'/'.join(loc)}` already exists") else: if record_array: element.attrs["__recarray__"] = True def _extend_dynamic_array(self, loc: Sequence[str], data: ArrayLike) -> None: arr_obj = self[loc] arr_obj.append([data]) def _read_object(self, loc: Sequence[str]) -> Any: return self[loc][0] def _write_object(self, loc: Sequence[str], obj: Any) -> None: arr: np.ndarray = np.empty(1, dtype=object) # encode object in an array arr[0] = obj parent, name = self._get_parent(loc) parent.array(name, arr, object_codec=self.codec, overwrite=True)