Source code for

Defines a class storing data in memory. 

.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <> 

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
from typing import Any, Collection, Sequence

import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, DTypeLike

from ..access_modes import AccessError, ModeType
from ..attributes import Attrs
from ..base import StorageBase

[docs]class MemoryStorage(StorageBase): """store items in memory""" _data: dict[str, Any] def __init__(self, *, mode: ModeType = "insert"): """ Args: mode (str or :class:``): The file mode with which the storage is accessed. Determines allowed operations. """ super().__init__(mode=mode) self._data = {}
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """truncate the storage by removing all stored data. Args: clear_data_shape (bool): Flag determining whether the data shape is also deleted. """ self._data = {}
def _get_parent( self, loc: Sequence[str], *, check_write: bool = False ) -> tuple[dict, str]: """get the parent group for a particular location Args: loc (list of str): The location in the storage where the group will be created check_write (bool): Check whether the parent group is writable if `True` Returns: (group, str): A tuple consisting of the parent group and the name of the current item """ if check_write and not self.is_group(loc[:-1]): raise TypeError(f"Location `/{'/'.join(loc[:-1])}` is not a group") parent = self._data for part in loc[:-1]: try: parent = parent[part] except KeyError: if isinstance(parent, dict): parent[part] = {} parent = parent[part] else: raise TypeError(f"Cannot add item to `/{'/'.join(loc)}`") if not isinstance(parent, dict): raise TypeError(f"Cannot add item to `/{'/'.join(loc)}`") try: name = loc[-1] except IndexError: raise KeyError(f"Location `/{'/'.join(loc)}` has no parent") if check_write and not self.mode.overwrite and name in parent: raise AccessError(f"Overwriting `/{'/'.join(loc)}` disabled") return parent, name def __getitem__(self, loc: Sequence[str]) -> Any: if loc: parent, name = self._get_parent(loc) try: return parent[name] except KeyError as e: raise KeyError(f"Item `{name}` not in group {parent.keys()}") from e else: return self._data
[docs] def keys(self, loc: Sequence[str]) -> Collection[str]: keys = self[loc].keys() if loc else self._data.keys() return [k for k in keys if not k.startswith("__")]
[docs] def is_group(self, loc: Sequence[str]) -> bool: item = self[loc] if isinstance(item, dict): # dictionaries are usually groups, unless they have the `__type__` attribute return "__type__" not in item.get("__attrs__", {}) else: return False # no group, since it's not a dictionary
def _create_group(self, loc: Sequence[str]) -> None: parent, name = self._get_parent(loc, check_write=True) parent[name] = {} def _read_attrs(self, loc: Sequence[str]) -> Attrs: res = self[loc].get("__attrs__", {}) if isinstance(res, dict): return res else: raise RuntimeError(f"No attributes at `/{'/'.join(loc)}`") def _write_attr(self, loc: Sequence[str], name: str, value: str) -> None: item = self[loc] if "__attrs__" not in item: item["__attrs__"] = {name: value} else: item["__attrs__"][name] = value def _read_array( self, loc: Sequence[str], *, copy: bool, index: int | None = None ) -> np.ndarray: # read the data from the location if index is None: arr = self[loc]["data"] else: arr = self[loc]["data"][index] return np.array(arr, copy=copy) def _write_array(self, loc: Sequence[str], arr: np.ndarray) -> None: parent, name = self._get_parent(loc, check_write=True) parent[name] = {"data": np.copy(arr)} def _create_dynamic_array( self, loc: Sequence[str], shape: tuple[int, ...], dtype: DTypeLike, *, record_array: bool = False, ) -> None: parent, name = self._get_parent(loc, check_write=True) if name in parent: raise RuntimeError(f"Array `/{'/'.join(loc)}` already exists") parent[name] = { "data": [], "shape": tuple(shape), "dtype": np.dtype(dtype), } if record_array: parent[name]["record_array"] = True def _extend_dynamic_array(self, loc: Sequence[str], arr: ArrayLike) -> None: item = self[loc] # check data shape that is stored at this position data = np.asanyarray(arr) stored_shape = item["shape"] if stored_shape != data.shape: raise TypeError(f"Shape mismatch ({stored_shape} != {data.shape})") # convert the data to the correct format stored_dtype = item["dtype"] if not np.issubdtype(data.dtype, stored_dtype): raise TypeError(f"Dtype mismatch ({data.dtype} != {stored_dtype}") # append the data to the dynamic array if data.ndim == 0: item["data"].append(data.item()) else: item["data"].append(np.array(data, copy=True)) def _read_object(self, loc: Sequence[str]) -> Any: return self[loc]["data"] def _write_object(self, loc: Sequence[str], obj: Any) -> None: parent, name = self._get_parent(loc, check_write=True) parent[name] = {"data": copy.deepcopy(obj)}