Source code for

Defines a class storing data on the file system using the hierarchical data format (hdf)

Requires the optional :mod:`h5py` module.

.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <> 

from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Collection, Sequence

import h5py
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, DTypeLike

from ..access_modes import AccessError, ModeType
from ..attributes import AttrsLike, encode_attr
from ..base import StorageBase
from ..utils import decode_binary, encode_binary

[docs]class HDFStorage(StorageBase): """storage that stores data in an HDF file""" extensions = ["h5", "hdf", "hdf5"] def __init__( self, file_or_path: str | Path | h5py.File, *, mode: ModeType = "read", compression: bool = True, ): """ Args: file_or_path (str or :class:`~pathlib.Path` or :class:``): File path to the file/folder or a :mod:`zarr` Store mode (str or :class:``): The file mode with which the storage is accessed. Determines allowed operations. compression (bool): Whether to store the data in compressed form. Automatically enabled chunked storage. """ super().__init__(mode=mode) self.compression = compression self._dynamic_array_size: dict[str, int] = {} # lengths of the dynamic arrays if isinstance(file_or_path, (str, Path)): # open HDF storage on file system self._close = True file_mode = self.mode.file_mode self._file = h5py.File(file_or_path, mode=file_mode) elif isinstance(file_or_path, h5py.File): # use opened HDF file self._close = False self._file = file_or_path else: raise TypeError(f"Unknown store `{file_or_path}`") def __repr__(self): return ( f'{self.__class__.__name__}("{self._file.filename}", ' f'mode="{}")' )
[docs] def close(self) -> None: # shorten dynamic arrays to correct size for hdf_path, size in self._dynamic_array_size.items(): self._file[hdf_path].resize(size, axis=0) if self._close: self._file.close() super().close()
def _get_hdf_path(self, loc: Sequence[str]) -> str: return "/" + "/".join(loc) def _get_parent( self, loc: Sequence[str], *, create_groups: bool = True ) -> tuple[h5py.Group, str]: """get the parent group for a particular location Args: loc (list of str): The location in the storage where the group will be created create_groups (bool): Create all intermediate groups if they not already exist Returns: (group, str): A tuple consisting of the parent group and the name of the current item """ try: path, name = loc[:-1], loc[-1] except IndexError: raise KeyError(f"Location `/{'/'.join(loc)}` has no parent") if create_groups: # creat parent = self._file for part in path: try: parent = parent[part] except KeyError: if self.mode.insert: parent = parent.create_group(part) else: raise AccessError(f"Cannot create group `/{'/'.join(loc)}`") else: parent = self._file[self._get_hdf_path(path)] return parent, name def __getitem__(self, loc: Sequence[str]) -> Any: if len(loc) == 0: return self._file else: parent, name = self._get_parent(loc) try: return parent[name] except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( f"Invalid location `{name}` in path `{}`" ) from e
[docs] def keys(self, loc: Sequence[str] | None = None) -> Collection[str]: if loc: return self[loc].keys() # type: ignore else: return self._file.keys() # type: ignore
[docs] def is_group(self, loc: Sequence[str]) -> bool: return isinstance(self[loc], h5py.Group)
def _create_group(self, loc: Sequence[str]): parent, name = self._get_parent(loc) try: return parent.create_group(name) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(f"Cannot create group `{name}`") from e def _read_attrs(self, loc: Sequence[str]) -> AttrsLike: return self[loc].attrs # type: ignore def _write_attr(self, loc: Sequence[str], name: str, value: str) -> None: self[loc].attrs[name] = value def _read_array( self, loc: Sequence[str], *, copy: bool, index: int | None = None ) -> np.ndarray: if index is None: arr_like = self[loc] else: arr_like = self[loc][index] # decode potentially binary data attrs = self._read_attrs(loc) if attrs.get("__pickled__", False): # data has been pickled inside the array if np.issubdtype(arr_like.dtype, "O"): # array of object dtype arr_like = np.frompyfunc(decode_binary, nin=1, nout=1)(arr_like) elif np.issubdtype(arr_like.dtype, np.uint8): arr_like = decode_binary(arr_like) else: data = np.asarray(arr_like).item() arr_like = decode_binary(data) elif not isinstance(arr_like, (h5py.Dataset, np.ndarray, np.generic)): raise RuntimeError( f"Found {arr_like.__class__} at location `/{'/'.join(loc)}`" ) # convert it into the right type arr = np.array(arr_like, copy=copy) if attrs.get("__recarray__", False): arr = arr.view(np.recarray) return arr def _write_array(self, loc: Sequence[str], arr: np.ndarray) -> None: parent, name = self._get_parent(loc) if name in parent: # update an existing array assuming it has the same shape. The credentials # for this operation need to be checked by the caller! dataset = parent[name] if dataset.attrs.get("__pickled__", None) == encode_attr(True): arr_bin = encode_binary(arr, binary=True) assert isinstance(arr_bin, bytes) dataset[...] = np.void(arr_bin) else: dataset[...] = arr else: # create a new data set if arr.dtype == object: arr_bin = encode_binary(arr, binary=True) assert isinstance(arr_bin, bytes) dataset = parent.create_dataset(name, data=np.void(arr_bin)) dataset.attrs["__pickled__"] = True else: args = {"compression": "gzip"} if self.compression else {} dataset = parent.create_dataset(name, data=arr, **args) if isinstance(arr, np.recarray): dataset.attrs["__recarray__"] = True def _create_dynamic_array( self, loc: Sequence[str], shape: tuple[int, ...], *, dtype: DTypeLike, record_array: bool = False, ) -> None: parent, name = self._get_parent(loc) if np.issubdtype(dtype, "O"): try: dataset = parent.create_dataset( name, shape=(1,) + shape, maxshape=(None,) + shape, dtype=h5py.vlen_dtype(np.uint8), ) except ValueError: raise RuntimeError(f"Array `{'/'.join(loc)}` already exists") dataset.attrs["__pickled__"] = encode_attr(True) else: args = {"compression": "gzip"} if self.compression else {} try: dataset = parent.create_dataset( name, shape=(1,) + shape, maxshape=(None,) + shape, dtype=dtype, **args, ) except ValueError: raise RuntimeError(f"Array `/{'/'.join(loc)}` already exists") self._dynamic_array_size[self._get_hdf_path(loc)] = 0 if record_array: dataset.attrs["__recarray__"] = True def _extend_dynamic_array(self, loc: Sequence[str], arr: ArrayLike) -> None: # load the dataset hdf_path = self._get_hdf_path(loc) dataset = self._file[hdf_path] if not dataset.maxshape[0] == None: raise RuntimeError(f"Array `/{'/'.join(loc)}` is not resizeable") # determine size of the currently written data size = self._dynamic_array_size.get(hdf_path, None) if size is None: # we extend a dataset that has not been created by this instance. Assume # that it has the correct size size = dataset.shape[0] if dataset.shape[0] <= size: # the old data barely fits into the current size => We need to extend the # array to make space for an additional record. We directly extend by a bit # so we don't need to resize every iteration dataset.resize(size + 1, axis=0) if dataset.attrs.get("__pickled__", False): arr_bin = encode_binary(arr, binary=True) assert isinstance(arr_bin, bytes) dataset[size] = np.frombuffer(arr_bin, dtype=np.uint8) else: dataset[size] = arr self._dynamic_array_size[hdf_path] = dataset.shape[0] def _read_object(self, loc: Sequence[str]) -> Any: return decode_binary(np.asarray(self[loc]).item()) def _write_object(self, loc: Sequence[str], obj: Any) -> None: parent, name = self._get_parent(loc) arr_str = encode_binary(obj, binary=True) if name in parent: del parent[name] # delete old dataset parent.create_dataset(name, data=np.void(arr_str))