Source code for

Base class describing a model

.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <>

from __future__ import annotations

import importlib.util
import inspect
import logging
import os.path
from typing import Callable, Sequence

from ..model import ModelBase, cleared_default_model, factory, make_model_class
from .results import Result

[docs]def run_function_with_cmd_args( func: Callable, args: Sequence[str] | None = None, *, name: str | None = None ) -> Result: """create model from a function and obtain parameters from command line Args: func (callable): The function that will be turned into a Model args (list of str): Command line arguments, typically :code:`sys.argv[1:]` name (str): Name of the program, which will be shown in the command line help Returns: :class:`ModelBase`: An instance of a subclass of ModelBase encompassing `func` """ return make_model_class(func).run_from_command_line(args, name=name)
[docs]@cleared_default_model def run_script(script_path: str, model_args: Sequence[str]) -> Result: """helper function that runs a model script The function detects models automatically by trying several methods until one yields a unique model to run: * A model that have been marked as default by :func:`set_default` * A function named `main` * A model instance if there is exactly one (throw error if there are many) * A model class if there is exactly one (throw error if there are many) * A function if there is exactly one (throw error if there are many) Args: script_path (str): Path to the script that contains the model definition model_args (sequence): Additional arugments that define how the model is run Returns: :class:`~modelrunner.result.Result`: The result of the run """ logger = logging.getLogger("modelrunner") # load the script as a module filename = os.path.basename(script_path) spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("model_code", script_path) if spec is None: raise OSError(f"Could not find job script `{script_path}`") model_code = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(model_code) # type: ignore # check whether a default model was set if ( isinstance(factory._DEFAULT_MODEL, ModelBase) or inspect.isclass(factory._DEFAULT_MODEL) and issubclass(factory._DEFAULT_MODEL, ModelBase) ):"Run marked default model object") return factory._DEFAULT_MODEL.run_from_command_line(model_args, name=filename) elif callable(factory._DEFAULT_MODEL):"Run marked default model function") return run_function_with_cmd_args( factory._DEFAULT_MODEL, args=model_args, name=filename ) # find all functions in the module logger.debug("Search for models in script") candidate_instance, candidate_classes, candidate_funcs = {}, {}, {} for name, member in inspect.getmembers(model_code): if isinstance(member, ModelBase): candidate_instance[name] = member elif inspect.isclass(member): if issubclass(member, ModelBase) and member is not ModelBase: candidate_classes[name] = member elif inspect.isfunction(member): candidate_funcs[name] = member # run `main` function if there is one if "main" in candidate_funcs: func = candidate_funcs["main"] return run_function_with_cmd_args(func, args=model_args, name=filename) # search for instances, classes, and functions and run them if choice is unique if len(candidate_instance) == 1: # there is a single instance of a model => use this _, obj = candidate_instance.popitem()"Run model instance `%s`", obj.__class__.__name__) return obj.run_from_command_line(model_args, name=filename) elif len(candidate_instance) > 1: # there are multiple instance => we do not know which one do use names = ", ".join(sorted(candidate_instance.keys())) raise RuntimeError(f"Found multiple model instances: {names}") elif len(candidate_classes) == 1: # there is a single class of a model => use this _, cls = candidate_classes.popitem()"Run model class `%s`", cls.__name__) return cls.run_from_command_line(model_args, name=filename) elif len(candidate_classes) > 1: # there are multiple instance => we do not know which one do use names = ", ".join(sorted(candidate_classes.keys())) raise RuntimeError(f"Found multiple model classes: {names}") elif len(candidate_funcs) == 1: # there is a single function of a model => use this _, func = candidate_funcs.popitem()"Run model function named `%s`", func.__name__) return run_function_with_cmd_args(func, args=model_args, name=filename) elif len(candidate_funcs) > 1: # there are multiple functions and we do not know which one to run names = ", ".join(sorted(candidate_funcs.keys())) raise RuntimeError(f"Found many functions, but no 'main' function: {names}") else: # we could not find any useful objects raise RuntimeError("Found neither a model class, instance, or function")