Source code for

.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <>

from __future__ import annotations

import json
from typing import Any, Dict, Mapping

from .utils import decode_binary, encode_binary

Attrs = Dict[str, Any]
AttrsLike = Mapping[str, Any]

class AttrsEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    """helper class for encoding python data in JSON"""

    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, dict) and "__pickled__" in obj:
            raise ValueError("Cannot encode dictionary with key `__pickled__`")
            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
        except TypeError:
            return {"__pickled__": encode_binary(obj)}

def _decode_pickled(dct: AttrsLike) -> AttrsLike:
    """decode pickled data

        dct (dict): The encoded attributes dictionary

        dict: Decoded attributes dictionary
    if "__pickled__" in dct:
        return decode_binary(dct["__pickled__"])  # type: ignore
    return dct

def encode_attr(value: Any) -> str:
    """encode an attribute using JSON

        value: The value to be encoded

        str: The encoded attribute
    return json.dumps(value, cls=AttrsEncoder)

[docs]def encode_attrs(attrs: AttrsLike) -> Attrs: """encode many attributes Args: attrs (dict): The attributes dictionary Returns: dict: The encoded attributes """ return {k: encode_attr(v) for k, v in attrs.items()}
def decode_attr(value: str) -> Any: """decode an attribute Args: value (str): The encoded attribute Returns: The decoded attribute """ return json.loads(value, object_hook=_decode_pickled)
[docs]def decode_attrs(attrs: AttrsLike) -> Attrs: """decode many attributes Args: attrs (dict): The attributes dictionary Returns: dict: The decoded attributes """ return {k: decode_attr(v) for k, v in attrs.items()}
__all__ = ["encode_attrs", "decode_attrs"]