
This py-modelrunner package is developed for python 3.8+ and should run on all common platforms.

Install using pip

The package is available on pypi, so you should be able to install it by running

pip install py-modelrunner

Install using conda

The py-modelrunner package is also available on conda using the conda-forge channel. You can thus install it using

conda install -c conda-forge py-modelrunner

This installation includes all required dependencies to have all features of py-modelrunner.

Installing from source


The code builds on other python packages, which need to be installed for this package to function properly. The required packages are listed in the table below:






Dealing with templates for launching simulations



Storing data in the HDF format



Array library used for storing data



Data tables for structured data access



Storing data in the YAML format



Show progress bar

These package can be installed via your operating system’s package manager, e.g. using conda, or pip. The package versions given above are minimal requirements, although this is not tested systematically. Generally, it should help to install the latest version of the package.

Downloading the package

The package can be simply checked out from To import the package from any python session, it might be convenient to include the root folder of the package into the PYTHONPATH environment variable.

This documentation can be built by calling the make html in the docs folder. The final documentation will be available in docs/build/html. Note that a LaTeX documentation can be build using make latexpdf.