Source code for modelrunner.model.parameters

Infrastructure for managing classes with parameters.

One aim is to allow easy management of inheritance of parameters.

.. autosummary::


.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <>

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import logging
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any, Callable, Container, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np

from ..utils import hybridmethod, import_class

[docs]class NoValueType: """special value to indicate no value for a parameter""" def __repr__(self): return "NoValue"
NoValue = NoValueType()
[docs]def auto_type(value): """convert value to float or int if reasonable""" try: float_val = float(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): return value try: int_val = int(value) except (ValueError, OverflowError): return float_val if int_val == float_val: return int_val else: return float_val
[docs]@dataclass class Parameter: """class representing a single parameter Args: name (str): The name of the parameter default_value: The default value of the parameter cls: The type of the parameter, which is used for conversion. The conversion and parsing of values can be disabled by using the default class `object`. description (str): A string describing the impact of this parameter. This description appears in the parameter help. choices (container): A list or set of values that the parameter can take. Values (including the default value) that are not in this list will be rejected. Note that values are check after they have been converted by `cls`, so specifying `cls` is particularly important to convert command line parameters from strings. required (bool): Whether the parameter is required hidden (bool): Whether the parameter is hidden in the description summary extra (dict): Extra arguments that are stored with the parameter """ name: str default_value: Any = None cls: type | Callable = object description: str = "" choices: Container | None = None required: bool = False hidden: bool = False extra: dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict) def _check_value(self, value) -> None: """checks whether the value is acceptable""" if value is not None and self.choices is not None and value not in self.choices: raise ValueError(f"Default value `{value}` not in `{self.choices}`") def __post_init__(self): """check default values and cls""" if self.cls is not object and not any( self.default_value is v for v in {None, NoValue} ): # check whether the default value is of the correct type try: converted_value = self.cls(self.default_value) except TypeError as err: raise TypeError( f"Parameter {} of type {self.cls} has invalid default " f"value: {self.default_value}" ) from err self._check_value(converted_value) if isinstance(converted_value, np.ndarray): # numpy arrays are checked for each individual value valid_default = np.allclose( converted_value, self.default_value, equal_nan=True ) else: # other values are compared directly. Note that we also check identity # to capture the case where the value is `math.nan`, where the direct # comparison (nan == nan) would evaluate to False valid_default = ( converted_value is self.default_value or converted_value == self.default_value ) if not valid_default: logging.warning( f"Default value `{}` is not of type `{self.cls.__name__}`" ) def __getstate__(self): # replace the object class by its class path return { "name": str(, "default_value": self.convert(), "cls": self.cls.__module__ + "." + self.cls.__name__, "description": self.description, "choices": self.choices, "required": self.required, "hidden": self.hidden, "extra": self.extra, } def __setstate__(self, state): # restore the object from the class path state["cls"] = import_class(state["cls"]) # restore the state self.__dict__.update(state) @property def short_description(self) -> str: """return only the first sentence of the description""" return self.description.split(". ", 1)[0]
[docs] def convert(self, value=NoValue, *, strict: bool = True): """converts a `value` into the correct type for this parameter. If `value` is not given, the default value is converted. Note that this does not make a copy of the values, which could lead to unexpected effects where the default value is changed by an instance. Args: value: The value to convert strict (bool): Flag indicating whether conversion to the type indicated by `cls` is enforced. If `False`, the original value is returned when conversion fails. Returns: The converted value, which is of type `self.cls` """ if value is NoValue: value = self.default_value if value is NoValue or value is None: pass # treat these values special elif self.cls is object: value = auto_type(value) else: try: value = self.cls(value) except (TypeError, ValueError) as err: if strict: raise ValueError( f"Could not convert {value!r} to {self.cls.__name__} for " f"parameter '{}'" ) from err # else: just return the value unchanged self._check_value(value) return value
def _argparser_add(self, parser): """add a command line option for this parameter to a parser""" if not self.hidden: if self.description: description = self.description else: description = f"Parameter `{}`" arg_name = "--" + kwargs = { "required": self.required, "choices": self.choices, "default": self.default_value, "help": description, } if self.cls is bool: # parameter is a boolean that we want to adjust if self.default_value is False: # allow enabling the parameter parser.add_argument( arg_name, action="store_true", default=False, help=description ) elif self.default_value is True: # allow disabling the parameter parser.add_argument( f"--no-{}",, action="store_false", default=True, help=description, ) else: # no default value => allow setting it flag_parser = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) flag_parser.add_argument( arg_name,, action="store_true", help=description ) flag_parser.add_argument( f"--no-{}",, action="store_false" ) # in python 3.9, we could use `argparse.BooleanOptionalAction` elif issubclass(self.cls, (list, tuple, set)): parser.add_argument(arg_name, metavar="VALUE", nargs="*", **kwargs) elif self.cls is object or self.cls is auto_type: parser.add_argument(arg_name, metavar="VALUE", **kwargs) else: parser.add_argument(arg_name, type=self.cls, metavar="VALUE", **kwargs)
[docs]class DeprecatedParameter(Parameter): """a parameter that can still be used normally but is deprecated""" pass
[docs]class HideParameter: """a helper class that allows hiding parameters of the parent classes This parameter will still appear in the :attr:`parameters` dictionary, but it will typically not be visible to the user, e.g., when calling :meth:`show_parameters`. """ def __init__(self, name: str): """ Args: name (str): The name of the parameter """ = name def _argparser_add(self, parser): pass
ParameterListType = List[Union[Parameter, HideParameter]] ParameterInputType = Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
[docs]class Parameterized: """a mixin that manages the parameters of a class""" parameters_default: ParameterListType = [] """list: parameters (with default values) of this subclass""" _parameters_default_full: ParameterListType = [] """list: all parameters (including those of parent classes)""" _subclasses: dict[str, type[Parameterized]] = {} """dict: a dictionary of all classes inheriting from `Parameterized`""" def __init__(self, parameters: ParameterInputType = None, *, strict: bool = True): """initialize the parameters of the object Args: parameters (dict): A dictionary of parameters to change the defaults. The allowed parameters can be obtained from :meth:`~Parameterized.get_parameters` or displayed by calling :meth:`~Parameterized.show_parameters`. strict (bool): Flag indicating whether parameters are strictly interpreted. If `True`, only parameters listed in `parameters_default` can be set and their type will be enforced. """ # set logger if this has not happened, yet if not hasattr(self, "_logger"): self._logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) # set parameters if they have not been initialized, yet if not hasattr(self, "parameters"): self.parameters = self._parse_parameters( parameters, include_deprecated=True, check_validity=strict ) def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs) -> None: # @NoSelf """register all subclasses to reconstruct them later""" # normalize the parameters_default attribute to be a list of `Parameter` if hasattr(cls, "parameters_default") and isinstance( cls.parameters_default, dict ): # default parameters are given as a dictionary cls.parameters_default = [ Parameter(*args) for args in cls.parameters_default.items() ] # combine parameters with those of the parent class parameters_default: dict[str, Parameter] = {} for p in cls._parameters_default_full + cls.parameters_default: if isinstance(p, HideParameter): if in parameters_default: parameters_default[].hidden = True else: parameters_default[] = copy.copy(p) cls._parameters_default_full = list(parameters_default.values()) # Note that `_parameters_default_full` also includes hidden parameters # append the list of parameters to the end of the docstring parameter_doc = list( cls._get_parameters_str( description=True, sort=True, short_description=True, template=" * `{name}`: {description} (default={value!r})", template_object=" * `{name}`: {description} (default={value!r})", ) ) if parameter_doc: extra_doc = "Parameters Dictionary:\n" + "\n".join(parameter_doc) if cls.__doc__: cls.__doc__ += "\n\n" + extra_doc else: cls.__doc__ = extra_doc # register this subclass super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) if cls is not Parameterized: if cls.__name__ in cls._subclasses: warnings.warn(f"Redefining class `{cls.__name__}`") cls._subclasses[cls.__name__] = cls
[docs] @classmethod def get_parameters( cls, include_hidden: bool = False, include_deprecated: bool = False, sort: bool = True, ) -> dict[str, Parameter]: """return a dictionary of parameters that the class supports Args: include_hidden (bool): Include hidden parameters include_deprecated (bool): Include deprecated parameters sort (bool): Return ordered dictionary with sorted keys Returns: dict: a dictionary mapping names to instances of :class:`Parameter` """ # collect the parameters from the class hierarchy parameters: dict[str, Parameter] = {} for p in cls._parameters_default_full: if isinstance(p, HideParameter): if include_hidden: parameters[].hidden = True else: del parameters[] else: parameters[] = p # filter parameters based on hidden and deprecated flags def show(p): """helper function to decide whether a parameter will be shown""" # show based on hidden flag? show1 = include_hidden or not p.hidden # show based on deprecated flag? show2 = include_deprecated or not isinstance(p, DeprecatedParameter) return show1 and show2 # filter parameters based on `show` result = { name: parameter for name, parameter in parameters.items() if show(parameter) } if sort: result = dict(sorted(result.items())) return result
@classmethod def _parse_parameters( cls, parameters: ParameterInputType = None, *, check_validity: bool = True, allow_hidden: bool = True, include_deprecated: bool = False, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """parse parameters from a given dictionary Args: parameters (dict): A dictionary of parameters that will be parsed. check_validity (bool): Determines whether a `ValueError` is raised if there are keys in parameters that are not in the defaults. If `False`, additional items are simply stored in `self.parameters` allow_hidden (bool): Allow setting hidden parameters include_deprecated (bool): Include deprecated parameters Returns: dict: The parsed parameters """ if parameters is None: parameters = {} else: parameters = parameters.copy() # do not modify the original # obtain all possible parameters param_objs = cls.get_parameters( include_hidden=allow_hidden, include_deprecated=include_deprecated ) # initialize parameters with default ones from all parent classes result: dict[str, Any] = {} for name, param_obj in param_objs.items(): if not allow_hidden and param_obj.hidden: continue # skip hidden parameters if param_obj.required and name not in parameters: raise ValueError(f"Require parameter `{name}`") # take value from parameters or set default value value = parameters.pop(name, NoValue) # convert parameter to correct type result[name] = param_obj.convert(value, strict=check_validity) # update parameters with the supplied ones if check_validity and parameters: raise ValueError( f"Parameters `{sorted(parameters.keys())}` were provided for an " f"instance but are not defined for the class `{cls.__name__}`" ) else: result.update(parameters) # add remaining parameters return result
[docs] @classmethod def get_parameter_default(cls, name): # @NoSelf """return the default value for the parameter with `name` Args: name (str): The parameter name """ for p in cls._parameters_default_full: if isinstance(p, Parameter) and == name: return p.default_value raise KeyError(f"Parameter `{name}` is not defined")
@classmethod def _get_parameters_str( cls, *, description: bool = False, sort: bool = False, show_hidden: bool = False, show_deprecated: bool = False, short_description: bool = False, parameter_values: ParameterInputType = None, template: str | None = None, template_object: str | None = None, ) -> Iterator[str]: """private method showing all parameters in human readable format Args: description (bool): Flag determining whether the parameter description is shown. sort (bool): Flag determining whether the parameters are sorted show_hidden (bool): Flag determining whether hidden parameters are shown show_deprecated (bool): Flag determining whether deprecated parameters are shown short_description (bool): Whether to show a shortended version of the description parameter_values (dict): A dictionary with values to show. Parameters not in this dictionary are shown with their default value. All flags default to `False`. """ # set the templates for displaying the data if template is None: template = "{name}: {type} = {value!r}" if description: template += " ({description})" if template_object is None: template_object = "{name} = {value!r}" if description: template_object += " ({description})" # iterate over all parameters params = cls.get_parameters( include_hidden=show_hidden, include_deprecated=show_deprecated, sort=sort ) for param in params.values(): # initialize the data to show data = { "name":, "type": param.cls.__name__, "description": ( param.short_description if short_description else param.description ), } # determine the value to show if parameter_values is None: data["value"] = param.default_value else: data["value"] = parameter_values[] # print the data to stdout if param.cls is object: yield template_object.format(**data) else: yield template.format(**data) @hybridmethod def show_parameters( # @NoSelf cls, description: bool = False, sort: bool = False, show_hidden: bool = False, show_deprecated: bool = False, ) -> None: """show all parameters in human readable format Args: description (bool): Flag determining whether the parameter description is shown. sort (bool): Flag determining whether the parameters are sorted show_hidden (bool): Flag determining whether hidden parameters are shown show_deprecated (bool): Flag determining whether deprecated parameters are shown All flags default to `False`. """ for line in cls._get_parameters_str( description=description, sort=sort, show_hidden=show_hidden, show_deprecated=show_deprecated, ): print(line)
[docs] @show_parameters.instancemethod # type: ignore def show_parameters( self, description: bool = False, sort: bool = False, show_hidden: bool = False, show_deprecated: bool = False, default_value: bool = False, ) -> None: """show all parameters in human readable format Args: description (bool): Flag determining whether the parameter description is shown. sort (bool): Flag determining whether the parameters are sorted show_hidden (bool): Flag determining whether hidden parameters are shown show_deprecated (bool): Flag determining whether deprecated parameters are shown default_value (bool): Flag determining whether the default values or the current values are shown All flags default to `False`. """ for line in self._get_parameters_str( description=description, sort=sort, show_hidden=show_hidden, show_deprecated=show_deprecated, parameter_values=None if default_value else self.parameters, ): print(line)
[docs]def get_all_parameters(data: str = "name") -> dict[str, Any]: """get a dictionary with all parameters of all registered classes Args: data (str): Determines what data is returned. Possible values are 'name', 'value', or 'description', to return the respective information about the parameters. """ result = {} for cls_name, cls in Parameterized._subclasses.items(): if data == "name": parameters = set(cls.get_parameters().keys()) elif data == "value": parameters = { # type: ignore k: v.default_value for k, v in cls.get_parameters().items() } elif data == "description": parameters = { # type: ignore k: v.description for k, v in cls.get_parameters().items() } else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot interpret data `{data}`") result[cls_name] = parameters return result